きこえのトータルサポート 補聴器のぴあ|沖縄市・補聴器


基地内・外に住んでいらっしゃる外国人補聴器ユーザーの皆さまへ... [Facebook]

基地内・外に住んでいらっしゃる外国人補聴器ユーザーの皆さまへ、英語での対応をおこなっています。海外でご購入された補聴器のクリーニングや、新規のご相談も受け付けています(お電話/メールにて、あらかじめのご予約をいただいております)。外国人のお客様、大歓迎です。喜んでいただき有り難い限りです。いつも ありがとうございます😊

It’s very important for the hearing aid users to adjust the hearing aids so that you can hear better. In fact, the effect varies due to what caused the hearing loss and how long you’ve been suffering from it.

We, qualified eligible staff, would provide you the better hearing through hearing aids individualized fine ...tunings based on the hearing test results by ENT Doctors and Audiologists.

Our goal is to improve your "Quality of Life" through providing you with the better hearing aids and the Roger system, the adaptive digital wireless technology!

Also, we offer the following services:
・Hearing aid cleaning
・Hearing aid repairs
・Custom made earmolds
・Hearing aid batteries and accessories

💚 Life is on!

リンク元: Facebook


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